Saturday, July 19, 2014

Google Analytics is a great website traffic tracking tool. It is being used by most of the webmasters. The users of are also using this powerful tool to track their blog’s traffic.
Google Analytics works well on Blogger most of the time. But sometimes it may not be work. Today I’m going to tell you about this matter.
If you already have a Google Analytics account, simply copy your blog’s Google Analytics Tracking ID. If you don’t have, create an account first using your Gmail account.
Then go to your Blogger > Settings > Others. Find a field for Google Analytics Web Property ID. Paste the copied Tracking ID here.
Now check your blog’s analytics property from Google Analytics. If it is working then all are ok.
If you find it is not working, here are some steps for you.
Go to Blogger >> Template >> Edit HTML. Find out </body> tag in the file. Paste the following code above </body>.
                                   <b:include data='blog' name='google-analytics'/>                                                 

Then click on Save Template. Now it will work properly. 

Friday, July 18, 2014

Embed SWF file in your WordPress Theme

Flash files can give extra uniqueness of your WordPress site. But it’s not easy to embed a flash (.swf) file to WordPress, because you won’t be able to upload flash for security reasons.

There are many methods. You can use a plugin to complete this task. You can also do it by placing some codes into your theme template if you want to show it directly/by default on theme. I’m going to describe the last method step by step.

Step – 1: At first, create a folder named “swf” into your root directory. Upload your flash file into the newly created folder.
Step – 2: If you want to show the file on the top of every page, open the header.php file. Find out the place where you want to show it. Then put these codes in the exact place of the header.php file.

                    <div class="flash">
<object width="960" height="250">
                                                            <param name="movie" value="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/swf/your-file-name.swf"></param>
                                                            <param name="quality" value="high"></param>
                                                            <param name="wmode" value="window"></param>
                                                            <param name="menu" value="false"></param>
                                                            <param name="bgcolor" value="#FFFFFF"></param>
                                                            <param name="flashvars" value=""></param>
                                                            <embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="960" height="250" src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/swf/your-file-name.swf" quality="high" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" wmode="window" menu="false" flashvars="" ></embed>

Step – 3: Find out “your-file-name.swf” and replace it with the file name you uploaded into your swf folder.
Step – 4: Now visit your site and check if it is working. It works for me, hope will also work for you.
Step – 5: If you want to stylize the flash file section from css, you can do it using a class “flash”.

That’s all. Try it yourself and run your own flash file. 

Thursday, July 17, 2014

The easiest way to Clone WordPress site

Few days ago, I was looking for a plugin to clone a WordPress site. I've got many plugins. I've tried some of them. At last I try the plugin named WP Clone by WP Academy. And I’m using it till now. It gave me the easiest way to clone a WordPress Site.

If you want to use any plugin to clone your WordPress site, I’ll recommend this to you. Here I’m going to show the steps to clone a site using WP Clone by WP Academy.

Step – 1: Install and activate the plugin to the site, which you want to clone.
Step – 2: You will get a dashboard menu named “WP Clone”. Click on this.
Step – 3: Then there are 2 radio buttons. One is Create Backup and another one is Restore from URL.
Step – 4: If you want to clone the site, check the Create Backup radio button and click on Create Backup. Your site’s backup will be processing.
Step – 5: After completing the process, you will get a link/URL. Copy this link.
Step – 6: Now you have to go to the site where you want to upload the cloned site(you can restore the existing one also).
Step – 7: Install and activate the plugin there. And go to WP Clone from dashboard.
Step – 8: Check the “Restore from URL” radio button. Paste the copied link on the field. Confirm by clicking I Agree. Then Click on Restore from URL. Your cloned site will be restored here.

These are the basic steps. You can also use the Advance Settings option. You will get more features.

So try it yourself. If the article is helpful to you, please share it to your friends so they can know about it. Thanks. 

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Sometimes we want to install WordPress on a temporary url using IP address, not on the domain. But if you don’t know the process, it may cause of time wasting for you. So you have to know it properly. Today I’m going to tell you the process step by step.

At first, install WordPress on your root directory according to the process. Then go to phpmyadmin from your cPanel. Find the “wp_options” table into your database. Now change the “siteurl” under wp_options” table.

Suppose your site’s IP is . You have to update wp_options set option_value = '' where option_name in ('siteurl', 'home');.

At the place of “username” use your own username of your hosting account. After completing this task, you will be able to access your WordPress site as well as it’s dashboard.

If you like this article, please share it to your friends and let them know how to do it. Thank you so much. 

Monday, July 14, 2014

Five Graphics statement's syntax of C are given bellow - 

a.       line() function: This function uses to draw Lines in C programming.
Syntax –
Void far line(int startx, int starty, int endx, int endy);
b.      circle() function: This function uses to draw Circles in C programming.
Syntax –
Void far circle(int x, int y, int radius);
c.       drawpoly() function: This function uses to draw Polygon in C programming.
Syntax –
Void far drawpoly(int numpoints, int far*points);
d.      lineto() function: This function uses to draw Line from present place to (x,y).
Syntax –
Void far lineto(int x, int y);
e.      setlinestype() function: This function uses to draw lines of various styles.
Syntax –

Void far setlinetype(int style, unsigned pattern, int width);

Sunday, July 13, 2014

C is a general purpose programming language. It’s called as structured language also. Here are some short questions and their answers on C programming are given bellow.

Question No. – 1: Who invented the Programming in C?
Ans: Dennis Ritchie of AT & T Bell Laboratory.
Question No. – 2: When he invented Programming in C?
Ans: In the year 1972
Question No. – 3: Write down some Library Function’s name of C.
Ans: getchar(), scanf(), gets(), fscanf(), printf()
Question No. – 4: Write down some C complier’s name.
Ans: Turbo C, Borland C, Microsoft C, Power C, Watcom C
Question No. – 5: How many kinds of Programming Language?
Ans: Generally programming language is of two kinds.
a.       High Level Language
b.      Low Level Language
Low Level Language has two kinds more
a.       Machine Language
b.      Assembly Language
Question No. – 6: What is the basic format of a C program?
Ans:     >> Include Files
            >> Main Function
            >> Other Function (Library/User defined functions)
Question No. – 7: How many kinds of data type?
Ans: There are 4 kinds of data type in C.
1.      Character Type Data
2.      Integer Type Data
3.      Floating Point Data
4.      Double Type Data
Question No. – 8: What is the memory space for Character Type Data?
Ans: 1 byte
Question No. – 9: What is the memory space for Integer Type Data?
Ans: 2 bytes
Question No. – 10: What are the memory spaces for Float Point and Double Type Data?

Ans: 4 bytes (float) and 8 bytes (double).

Types of SEO with Basic Steps

Hi everybody. What’s up? Hope everything is going well. Today I’m going to show you the Types and Basic Steps of SEO in short. So please read out the full article.